Бид хамтдаа хүүхдийн эсрэг бэлгийн хүчирхийллийг таслан зогсоож чадна!


We been providing psychosocial service on a regular basis for victims from sexual violence abuse. This includes trauma-informed psychotherapy and art therapy for children, and clinical social work management.

Our psychologists and clinical social workers who are experienced in providing trauma-informed psychotheraphy and art therapy. We provided case management and trauma-informed psycho-social service to almost 450 survivors of sexual violence since 2012. 

What is Psychosocial service?

SOCIAL WORK SERVICES: We will provide referral and support services to the client in all matters related to child sexual abuse, from the date the client is reported to us until the service is closed.

It includes:

  • health care services
  • educational services
  • legal services

If necessary, we act as a legal representative at the investigation, investigation, prosecution and court stages of criminal cases.

It works according to a plan that aims to reduce and prevent the risks that may appear in the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects of the client's mental trauma, to reduce the current consequences, to soothe, and to learn the skills and methods to overcome any psychological problems that may arise in the future. Depending on the client's age and mental characteristics, he chooses psychological counseling methods and strictly adheres to professional ethics. From trauma-based psychotherapy,
- Methodology of play therapy
- Relaxation and conversation through the method of drawing
- Narrative psychotherapy
- Provides services based on cognitive and behavioral psychotherapy methods.

In case of need for medical examination due to sexual violence, or sexually transmitted diseases, professional medical institutions and doctors are contacted for treatment and services.
In cases where the client has dropped out of pre-school or general education due to the problem of sexual violence, is late for classes, or does not participate in formal education, the agency cooperates with the relevant government agencies.
If the victim is unable to afford to hire a lawyer, to protect the client's honor, dignity, and legal interests within the law, a contract is signed with professional and qualified lawyers who are members of the Mongolian Bar Association until the criminal case is resolved in court (at the stage of registration, investigation, prosecution and court). works.

Life skill trainings

A series of trainings based on the participation method is organized once a week for clients participating in social-psychological rehabilitation services by dividing them into groups according to their age group and providing them with the ability to positively cope with any psychological needs and problems they may encounter in the future, as well as adaptability and practice.